A Leap of Faith
As with many small businesses, AR Boring started with a mission. Our mission was and is to be the best drilling service around while also keeping our Christian values in mind. In the beginning of 2020, Corey Antwine met two 16 year old boys who were looking for summer jobs. In the process of doing so, Corey took those boys on a drive to Muleshoe and struck up conversation. When asked what they did on Wednesday nights and Sunday mornings, the boys did not have an answer. Corey asked, ‘Do you go to church?’ The boys answered that they did not, but when Corey asked if they’d like to start a group that was more suited to them, they both said yes. Right at the time that they were starting this new youth group, Corey’s old boss sold the company. Bills kept coming and wells were not paying well, and one day when Corey was driving down the road, he asked God what he should do. He got a call on that drive about buying a second rig. AR Boring is the job that supports the youth group, and it is run with these values in mind.
How We Started
In 2018, Corey Antwine rebuilt and operated an old drilling rig without knowing how much the world would change and how his career would be shaped by the next few years. When the COVID–19 pandemic hit in 2020, Corey’s boss sold out after deciding that the business was no longer profitable. However, Corey knew otherwise. His number and information was still out there, and people still needed drilling services. Corey got a drilling rig and got to work serving the communities of West Texas. We have now been drilling since December of 2021 and aim to glorify God and serve our neighbors every day.
Are you interested?
If any of our services interest you please head over to our Contact Us page and get in touch with us as soon as possible.